lydia rink

How can I challenge myself? - Some Thoughts about he Collaborative Collage Project

SIMPLY BLUE - Collage no. 41 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

The Joy Of Using Vintage Papers - Collage no. 43 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

Collage With Type - Collage no. 42 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

Abstract collage by Lydia Rink - The making off

Abstract Paper Collage - Some Thoughts About Composition

How to create collage paper quick and easy

How to start a paper collage in your sketchbook - small abstract collage

How To Create Interesting COLLAGE ART - collage no.36 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

Use your gel prints for abstract collage

How To Create Interesting Abstract Shapes? - collage no.40 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

How Start A Mixed Media Painting - Three Simple Ways

How to get started? - abstract painting - Collage, Paint & Coffee

How to stop thinking and start doing

Collage composition - Abstract Collage Basics

How to get started with collage art? - Collage Basics For Beginners

How To Start A Collage

COLLAGE WITH ME! - How to create abstract collage art

How to create a simple but effective composition - Collage no.34 for the Collage Challenge

Using colored tissue for collage - abstract collage by Lydia Rink

Collage with me! - handwritten background, tissue paper, monoprint, hand cut letters

What if I don't like my artwork?

abstract collage by Lydia Rink, collage process

COLLAGE WITH ME! - no 24. - play with your shapes